A (Excellent–4 points): A grade of “A” indicates that a student has demonstrated excellent academic performance. It carries a weight of four quality points for every credit of the course in which the grade is earned.
B (Good–3 points): A grade of “B” indicates that a student has demonstrated good academic performance. It carries a weight of three quality points for every credit of the course in which the grade is earned.
C (Average – 2 points): A grade of “C” indicates that a student has demonstrated average academic performance. It carries a weight of two quality points for every credit of the course in which the grade is earned.
D (Below average–1 point): A grade of “D” indicates that a student has demonstrated below- average academic performance. It carries a weight of one quality point for every credit of the course in which the grade is earned.
F (Failure–0 points): A grade of “F” indicates that a student has failed to demonstrate minimal academic performance. It carries a weight of zero quality points for each credit of the course in which the grade is earned.
P (Pass–0 points): A grade of “P” indicates that a student has passed and completed a course requirement. It carries a weight of zero quality points for each credit of the course in which the grade is earned. P represents C or better work. Credits earned are not included in the computation of a student’s cumulative GPA.
NP (No pass–0 points): A grade of “NP” indicates that a student has not passed and completed a course requirement. It carries a weight of zero quality points for each credit hour of the course in which the grade is earned. NP represents D or F work. No credits are awarded, and the NP is not included in the computation of a student’s cumulative GPA.
AU (Audit–0 points): A notation of “AU” indicates that a student was granted permission to register for a credit course and attend that course on an audit basis with no academic credit to be awarded. A student may not convert registration status from credit to audit (or audit to credit) after classes begin.
I (Incomplete–0 points): A notation of “I” indicates that a student has not completed all course requirements as a result of circumstances judged by the instructor to be beyond the student’s control. Students who receive official permission to postpone an exam are assigned an I grade for that course. Students must personally request an incomplete grade from their instructors. Incomplete grades are not granted automatically. Incomplete grades can be removed by completing the examination or other requirements no later than the end of the sixth week of the academic term following the semester in which the I was noted. Failure to complete such in the required time frame will result in an F grade.
I/E (Include/exclude–0 points): A course considered eligible for repeat is one that has an identical course (number, title and credits) or one officially identified as equivalent by the College catalog. Specialized courses with allowable accrued credits will be considered for repeat calculations only upon written request and validation by the appropriate academic area of identical topic repeat.
T (Transfer credit–0 points): A notation of “T” indicates that a student has been awarded credit for coursework that has been evaluated and accepted in transfer from another institution of higher education in accordance with Tri-C’s policy on transfer credit from other institutions. Transfer credits awarded shall not be included in the computation of a student’s cumulative GPA.
USF (Military physical education credit–0 points): A notation of “USF” indicates that a student has been awarded credit in recognition of physical education training received during at least 365 days of active duty in the U.S. military, as documented on the student’s DD-214. USF credit carries zero quality points and is not computed in GPA.
W (Withdrawal–0 points): A notation of “W” indicates a student’s withdrawal from a course in accordance with Tri-C’s withdrawal policy. Withdrawals carry zero quality points and are not computed in GPA.