Pass/No Pass Grade Option

An alternative to a letter grade (A, B, C, D or F), the Pass/No Pass grade option allows students who want to explore a discipline and/or course to register without the penalty of a grade impacting their GPA. A student can elect up to 12 credits taken Pass/No Pass to fulfill degree requirements at Tri-C.

Things to consider before selecting a P/NP grade:

  • Some restricted/selective admission program courses require traditional letter grades for their core course requirements. Courses used as prerequisites or core courses for health career and nursing programs must have a traditional letter grade. Pass/No Pass grades will not be accepted for prerequisites and core courses for health career and nursing programs. Students must consult with their program manager or counselor to determine P/ NP grading options.
  • Once selected, the P/NP grade option cannot be converted back to a traditional grade option; nor can a traditional grade option be converted to the P/NP option after the 100% refund period. If a letter grade is required for a course taken as Pass/No Pass, the course must be retaken using the traditional grade option. Courses taken as P/NP do count toward financial aid enrollment requirements.